Lately, I’ve been…
As of mid-December 2023, I’ve been playing with another form of Artificial Intelligence, creating Audible books! Amazon invited me to try their beta Audible program. After meeting certain criteria, I can select one of eight voices to narrate a book. I do have limited creative control: editing word pronunciation, tweaking the voice speed, and adding pauses. Man, I didn’t know it was going to be so labor-intensive! Of course, I’m a bit of a perfectionist, so made sure the voice used sounded as natural as possible.

Check out the latest in my Audible Library. I’m waiting to do The Fairies Saga until I teach Ai to clone my voice. TFS is my first baby. I don’t want anyone else to narrate it… but I don’t have the time, equipment, or patience to read FIFTEEN books out loud. Plus, I have at least three more books to write. ARLIE UNDERCOVER, TRIPLETS: THREE AREN’T ONE, and THE FAIRIES SAGA are all getting ‘further adventures.’
I’ve been playing with my new toys: Artificial Intelligence art. I have a whole box of programs and apps. I’m using them not only for new covers and promos but also to create a calendar for a good cause.

Here is the cover of the calendar. You can email me at and order one for yourself or others for Christmas gifts. Twelve different images of Bigfoot/Sasquatch and a feral kitten or two in a wide variety of image styles. From Pixar to watercolor to stained glass plus a few more. Only $20 for heavy-weight paper, spiral bound. $3.50 for postage to US, $6.50USD for postage to Canada.

In the beginning…

Twenty-nine years ago, I started Chill Out! Parts & Equipment Supply. It was hard to do in Alaska where female prejudice still stung, unless a gal was a dog musher… Selling tractor parts was tough, but I persevered. In the years that followed, I gained a daughter, a husband, and a new ‘side career’ of writing and publishing. I’ve never been happier. My hair is gray now, and I’ve put on a few pounds, but my smile is still as big if not bigger. Thanks for hanging with me, all my friends and family!