Fall into your favorite romance novel? That was Dani Madigan’s fantasy. Impossible, right? Nope. One day, she’s a plump and perky Alaskan, the next, she finds herself in 1781 North Carolina, sharing cabin space with her favorite LOST characters. Sarah and Jody are on hand to help her through her memory loss… and a few other surprises.

The Fairies Saga – a dozen stories of vibrant characters, some who bounce between the 18th and 21st centuries while others stay put.

Start here, later in the story (trust me). Aye, I am a Fairy – A mega novel in three parts. How could she not fall for the British lord? Leah and James meet for the first time and sparks fly -and her apartment is blown up! But were the tabloid stories about him true? Was he gay? And should she care?
LOST: The Time Travel Romance That Started It All – Enjoy the fun, free-style introduction to several very colorful characters from The Fairies Saga and Arlie Undercover series. Find out how they’re involved with LOST, the fan-obsessed epic that was supposed to be fiction. (Ai version of 18th century Scots – not ‘the other guy’)

Naked in the Winter Wind – A mega novel with a solar-powered smartphone that travels to the Revolutionary War and back again. NOTE: I had a blast in 2012 North Carolina researching this story. I was even there the day ‘Evie fell!’
Ha’Penny Jenny – A sweet coming-of-age story. What was her life like before she was adopted into a wonderful family? – historical for any age (no time travel in this one). Look for the Pooka – invisible rabbit – in this one.

Dances Naked – Would the Cherokee help the disoriented and confused time traveler find his way home? What must Lord Martin Melbourne ‘Marty’ do before Chief Red Shirt shows him the way to The Trees? A romantic time travel novel with splashes of humor.
Chasing Christmas – A Native American slave finds her Happy Ever After plus gets a bonus when she meets up with the Pomeroy-Hart family. Featuring Jenny and Scout and the rest of the crew. Historical novel (no time travel)

The Great Big Fairy – A mega novel in three parts. Meet Benji, the six-foot-seven lovable good guy who is searching for a way to return to his 18th-century grandfather. A time travel action-adventure romance that introduces some new family and dilemmas. (Note: this is the image that started my Ai art obsession)
Kidnapped! – Someone’s been kidnapped at the end of The Great Big Fairy and our two big guys are determined to get her back. Will they succeed? Action adventure (no romance). 21st-century story introducing a new ‘seer’ and some surprise letters from Benji’s 18th-century friend.

Little Bear and the Ladies – Historical romance featuring Little Bear, the handsome British trapper from the earlier books in The Fairies Saga series. Be careful what you wish for. The bachelor’s life just got complicated with more women than he thinks he can handle.
Time in a Little Blue Bottle – A fun mashup novella with a glimpse into Fairies Down Under. Two British orphans pair up to search for the Fountain of Youth elixir. On their way to Sydney from London, they get a little help from Elvis, Mark Twain, and Cleveland, the Prime Vampire. And a little competition from a couple of seasoned time travelers.

Little Drummer Boy – A sweet historical tale featuring Scout, the youth from the earlier books in the series. Forget about making it in time for Christmas. Can he lead the way to safety in the middle of one of the worst winter storms ever?
Big Mac – Can the tall young man stop his Viking time-traveling sire from starting the COVID Pandemic? And did he mess up everything by meeting his grandparents before their daughter – his mother – is even born? Clean action-adventure romance with a few new super gadgets from the future.

Never Too Young – Historical coming-of-age romance. Scout and Jenny have known each other for years and have loved each other for nearly as long. What now? Will being robbed dash Scout’s dreams before he gets home to see her?